Clear Energy Therapy®

Thank you so much for your interest in Clear Energy Therapy®.

Please rest assured - I take your investment seriously and am committed to you having a wonderful experience.

During your training you're welcome to ask questions via email, which I will answer personally.

You also have two 1-1 calls with me to ensure you feel fully supported as you integrate Clear into your work.

Your service to others is a gift to the world - let's make it even easier for you to deliver it!  

With love and kindness,

Michelle Lowbridge
Founder, Clear Energy Therapy®

Contact information

We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

Billing address

Order summary

CLEAR HEADER copy 2 1800 x 940 copy

Clear Energy Therapy®

Due today $1,000
+ 2 payments

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.